It’s called beauty sleep for good reason! The good news is that you can start habits tonight that can help you get better sleep, look more beautiful, feel more energetic, and manage weight.
We’ve all been there. Life is hectic. Stress seems to be coming from all directions. After dealing with work, family, and life, sleep is either not a priority, or we just can’t seem to get enough. We go to bed too late or if we get to bed on time find our minds racing with thoughts about life. As sleep deprivation builds we find ourselves grabbing a coffee, reaching for comfort food, skipping exercise, and drinking wine to wind down. Add to it, a quick look at Facebook before you try to sleep and the vicious cycle continues. The result? Skin that looks dull and wrinkled, dark circles and puffiness around the eyes, and unwanted pounds.
The Importance of Beauty Sleep
The Hormone Connection & Extra Pounds
Without high-quality restorative sleep, a person’s hormones and detoxification process cannot function properly. All of us produce a hormone called ghrelin. This hormone tells your body to eat and unfortunately, the more sleep deprived we are the more ghrelin is generated. On the reverse side, leptin is a hormone that tells our body we’ve had enough to eat. But without enough sleep, we have less of this important hormone resulting in overeating when we should be sleeping. In 2013, researchers found that those who don’t sleep well have a much higher incidence of obesity. Beauty sleep helps maintain a proper balance of these hormones which helps us avoid unhealthy quick fix and comfort food choices.
Sleep and Skin Aging
Dr. Elma Baron presented an abstract titled “Effects of Sleep Quality on Skin Aging and Function” and found that inadequate sleep caused accelerated skin aging and a decrease in skin’s ability to recover after skin exposure (Baron, 2013). While it is long been known that sleep is needed for good health, this study demonstrated that restorative sleep also works at a cellular level to keep the skin healthy. Good restorative sleep helps our bodies release harmful toxins and regenerate our cells. Cell regeneration helps our skin look refreshed as our skin retains moisture and important pH balance. Without this process, skin shows signs of uneven pigmentation, reduced elasticity and an increase in fine lines.
Get Restorative Sleep Tonight!
Plan Ahead!
Like good nutrition, good sleep hygiene requires a little bit of planning and forethought. If you value how you look and feel, sleep must be thought of as a self-care priority.
Reduce Blue Light Exposure
The blue light that is emitted from television, computer, and mobile device screens cause confusion to our bodies. Believe me, I know how tempting it is to do a final Facebook, Instagram check before going to sleep but those few moments can often turn into longer periods of time and disrupt your quality of sleep. Light governance our internal clocks and artificial light creates confusion within our systems. Blue light specifically disrupts the sleep hormone melatonin which can contribute to cardiovascular disease and weight gain. Staying away from screens before bed can make a difference!
Takeaway: Stop using or looking at any screens (TV, Computer, Phone) 90 minutes before bed.
Blue light impacts us as soon as the sun goes down.It takes your body up to four hours after looking at a screen without a blue light blocker to make melatonin. Since most of us will look at our mobile device or computer after sunset, it’s important to use apps that will reduce the blue light to your body can make the melatonin you need for a good night sleep.
Takeaway: Install blue light blocking apps on your phone and computer. Install f.lux on your computer.
If you have an iPhone, in settings, choose Display and Brightness. Go into Night Shift. Select Scheduled. Turn night shift on from Sunset to Sunrise.
Get Comfortable
We spend a third of our lives in bed so it is important to create a wonderful environment for quality sleep. The environment in which we sleep matters! Create a room that is a haven for relaxation, happiness, and sleep!
Takeaway: Make sure it is free of dust, filled with things that make you feel relaxed and happy and free of technology. If you have a TV in your room cover it with a beautiful scarf or quilt for your detox.
Sleep Position and Pillows
If you lie on your stomach, fluid can pool in the tear trough that can cause morning eye puffiness. Sleeping on your side long term can cause wrinkle creases on one side of your face and in the middle of your chest. And certain materials can cause friction that can aggravate acne. The best option is to sleep on your back. This may take some getting used to but it helps. Some experts suggest a slightly inclined cushion is an excellent way to alleviate puffiness by eliminating fluids pooling in the face. If you can’t stop sleeping on your side consider a Save Your Face Pillow and Silk Sheets.
Takeaway: Train yourself to sleep on your back. If that is impossible, purchase silk pillowcase and a Save Your Face Pillow.
Make it Dark
Our body needs darkness and to feel comfortable. A dark cool room will keep you sleeping more deeply and for longer periods of time.Ideally, you have blackout curtains but if that is not the case, order a sleep mask that feels comfortable. Here is one recommendation. Also, consider wearing earplugs. Here is a reusable earplug option. If you have children, perhaps someone else in your family can manage middle of the night childcare 1-2 nights each week. If you are not comfortable with this idea, you may want to consider a white noise machine or app. If you choose an app on your phone, it is best to keep the phone away from your bed or nightstand.
Takeaway: Order blackout curtains, sleep mask, and earplugs.
Bedtime Rituals
It’s important to begin to relax and set the stage for good sleep. Drinking a calming herbal tea, reading, coloring, and gratitude journaling are all great possibilities. Remember whatever things that need to be done will still be there in the morning. You getting enough restorative sleep is the most important thing at this moment.
Takeaway: Create a bedtime ritual approximately 60-90 minutes before you want to fall asleep.
Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol
Stimulants can also have a negative impact on sleep. During the Practical Beautiful Life Radiance Reset and Level 1 periods, we choose to eliminate caffeine and alcohol.
Takeaway: once you are at your healthy and ideal size, it is best to avoid drinking caffeine after 1 PM and sticking to one glass of Dry Farms Wine (sugar-free without additives, this wine is Paleo, Primal, Bulletproof friendly) before 8 PM.
Getting a good night sleep will have you looking and feeling beautiful, sexy, and vibrant! Sweet Dreams Gorgeous Ones!