Fat bombs are snacks that became popularized through ketogenic diets. Fat bombs are high fat, low carb, and low protein. Fat bombs are can be a great source of fat energy and when sweetened with Lankanto Monkfruit, Stevia or Swerve, a great sweet dessert. They are usually a combination of good healthy fats and a variety of flavors.
Keep in mind, that while saturated fats have been shown to be good for us, combining them with high-glycemic carbohydrates will create health issues. Fat bombs are for individuals eating according to the Practical Beautiful Lifestyle program or paleo, primal, ketogenic or Bulletproof diets.
1 full stick of KellyGold Grass-fed Butter (Cut into cubes)
¾ C Shredded Organic Coconut
1 Scoop of Vital Proteins Beef Gelatin
Generous shakes of ground cinnamon
1 ½ tsp of pure vanilla extract
¼ C Organic Coconut Cream
1 tsp Bulletproof Brain Octane or MCT oil
1 TB Lankanto Monkfruit (add more or less to taste)
Optional: 1-2 TB Organic Raw Cacao Poder
Place all of the ingredients in a food processor.
Form into round balls. They won’t be perfect but they will be yummy.
Place a plate and refrigerator. Keep refrigerated. Pop one in your mouth anytime you need a sweet treat. They melt and are a bit messy, but they taste yummy.