Lemony Chicken Thighs
A perfect meal that is suitable for a date night, entertaining or even weeknight dinner. The chicken is a delicious source of clean protein. Served with mashed cauliflower and salad, it is a great way to eat a pound of vegetables and savor a practical and beautiful meal.
1-2lbs of organic, hormone free, preferably pasture raised, chicken thighs (I like skinless and boneless but that is just one choice)
Coconut Oil
Sea Salt
Garlic Powder
2 Lemon
Liberally salt and pepper the chicken.
Sprinkle garlic powder on the chicken.
Heat skillet to medium temperature.
Add 1-2TB of coconut oil
Add chicken.
While chicken is cooking, microplane or grate 1/2 of the lemon’s zest onto the chicken. It may seem like a lot. That is ok. It will be yummy. Now use ½ of the juice of the other lemon.
Cook for approximately 7-9 minutes on low-med heat.
Turn chicken.
Now microplane or grate the other 1/2 of the lemon’s zest onto this side of the chicken.
Squeeze the rest of the 2nd lemon’s juice onto this side of the chicken.
Cook low-med heat for 7-10 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 180°F.
Enjoy this practical and beautiful meal!
Dancing and singing in the kitchen while cooking is also highly recommended.