This woman is incredible! At 71 year of age, Norma demonstrates that we all get older but we can choose how we age! She proves that how we look and feel is the sum of our value and choices. Norma chooses to maintain a spirit and mindset that keeps her in shape and looking beautiful. When recently asked about her age-defying secrets for an interview with the Daily Mail, Norma said,“I think spirit defines age, actually. Having spirit means you’re constantly curious, you’re constantly excited by life and feeling passionate about what you do… Your spirit will define your age. It’s all so connected — fitness, health, beauty, style — wrapped up in a package. “That’s really key, understanding how you can feel good about yourself through self-esteem and body image.”
Enough said!
Watch Norma talking about finding her soulmate at 65 and being in shape at 71. This video is from Allure’s Dispelling Myths About Aging series.